Statistically, more smokers and binge drinkers live in Solano and Napa counties, respectively, than the rest of the state, according to a new report.

The newly released UCLA Center for Health Policy Research's Adults Health Profiles also reveals that Napa County's obesity rate is the highest in the nine Bay Area counties, and that obesity is also significantly higher in Solano County than in the rest of California.

The center compiled the report, providing data on key health topics on all California counties, including on the estimated 301,000 Solano County adults and the 97,000 or so in Napa County, center officials said. The information is based on the 2009 California Health Interview Survey, they said.

The report shows, for instance, that fewer adults live in poverty in Solano (33 percent) and Napa counties than the 34 percent state average. The data shows that nearly 33 percent of Solano County adults and nearly 26 percent of those in Napa County earn an income less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level.

On the other hand, fewer people are uninsured here than statewide (just over 19 percent for Solano and about 23 percent in Napa, compared to more than 26 percent statewide).

It also shows that a higher percentage of people in Solano County (21.6 percent) delayed seeing a doctor or getting needed medication in the past year, than the state average of just over 20 percent. Napa County's figure nearly matches the state's.

                                                                                                                   Health officials
in both counties expressed no surprise at the report's findings.
"We know, for instance, that we have a higher rate of smoking and that reflects our socioeconomic and demographic mix in the county," Solano County public health officer Bela Matyas said. "Solano is the only county in the country where all four major racial/ethnic groups are represented by more than 10 percent of the population."

In other words, more minorities and poor people smoke and have more limited access to healthier foods. They therefore, have correspondingly higher rates of obesity, diabetes and other chronic health conditions, he said.

"Smoking is more prevalent among African Americans and Hispanics than among Asians and Whites," Matyas said. "But we're working on these issues."

County health officials focusing on more specifically targeted outreach he said.

"People have a lot of other things to worry about in this economy than eating right and exercising," he said. "We feel it's more effective to target messages specifically -- like to focus nutrition on children and hopefully develop life-long habits."

Napa County health officer Karen Smith said that while comparing a smaller, rural county like Napa to the rest of the Bay Area can produce misleading statistics, the problems the data reveals are well known to local health officials.

"We've known for some time our obesity rates are higher than we like them to be and the binge drinking issue has come up before," Smith said. "We've been working on underage drinking with some success, and we passed a social host ordinance law last year."

Napa County is also set to launch a new strategic plan that includes addressing these issues, including childhood obesity, which she said is growing here.

"We have a project with public health and our social services division and with CalFresh, which is what the food stamps program is called now," Smith said. "It's a large endeavor we're rolling out, that covers things like how to cook well on a low income. And we have a local food advisory council that's working on a variety of strategies so that every one in Napa has access to local healthy foods."

Napa County is also launching a community nutrition action plan, hopefully by September, she said.