Monday, December 19, 2011

Solano officials endorse first lady's 'Let's Move' anti-obesity campaign

As first lady Michelle Obama launched her campaign against childhood obesity Tuesday, local health and political leaders lauded efforts to fight the epidemic which puts legions of youth at health risk.

The problem is particularly acute in Solano County, surveys show. At least one-third of Solano's fifth-graders are overweight, and 31 percent of seventh- and ninth-graders are unfit, the Children's Network reported.

"Solano County has one of the worst track records (in the Bay Area) of kids who are at healthy weight," Children's Network Executive Director Kim Thomas said.

A separate county 5-year needs assessment indicates that nearly 23 percent of Solano children aged 5-19 are overweight.

The national "Let's Move" public awareness campaign encompasses a four-pronged approach -- helping parents make better food choices, serving healthier food in school, making healthy food more available and affordable, and encouraging children to exercise more.

Nationwide, one in three American children is overweight or obese, putting them at higher risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other illnesses. Furthermore, health experts say today's children could have shorter life spans than their parents.

Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, called the Let's Move campaign "one of the more important things we've done to change the status of obesity over the next few years."

Miller said the first lady will bring the "right players" together for an effective campaign, including pediatricians, food and drink manufacturers, school lunch program experts and others involved in child nutrition.

"This is about changing our behavior and knowledge about what foods are good for us and what foods are not, and our behaviors in terms of getting enough exercise," Miller said.

Meanwhile, Congress can help by reauthorizing the federal school meal and nutrition program, and also help find ways to allow schools to bolster physical education classes, some which have been cut due to fiscal constraints, Miller said.

Here are some highlights of the Let's Move campaign:

 * The Food and Drug Administration will work with food manufacturers and retailers on food labels to reflect calorie and fat contents.

* The American Academy of Pediatrics will encourage doctors to monitor children's height and weight used to measure body fat.

* A proposal will go before Congress to offer tax breaks to encourage grocery stores to offer more nutritious foods, and to encourage communities to stage farmers markets.

Local efforts are also under way to combat childhood obesity.

Solano County Public Health Education Manager Robin Cox said the county is working with the Solano Transportation Authority to encourage children to walk or bike to school.

At the Children's Network, Thomas endorsed efforts to remove sugary drinks and candy from schools, and other efforts to make fresh produce available in low-income neighborhoods. She added that widespread changes are in order.

"We all have to integrate better nutrition and more exercise into the way we live our lives. We all have an element of personal responsibility," Thomas said.

Orignally published by Vallejo Times Herald Feb 2010. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Contact staff writer Sarah Rohrs at

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